Sukant Acharya is the Executive Vice President and Global Business Head of Sustainability, IoT and Industry NeXT business at HCLTech. With a career spanning 25+ years, Sukant has assumed multiple leadership roles across companies in management consulting, outsourcing, and several core industries. Sukant brings a 360-degree perspective to help global organizations navigate and lead the digital wave and the connected industry imperatives. Sukant’s contribution to the business world has revolved around sponsoring and nurturing emergent technology-led business transformation areas like Digital, Analytics, Cloud, Edge, IoT, IIoT, 5G, Smart Products, Intelligent Operations, Smart space, and Industry 4.0. His experience extends across fostering global businesses and co-creating value with clients, partners, and the supplier ecosystem. He has extensively worked in sponsoring, advising, developing, and delivering on digitally enabled business transformation, innovation, and operational improvement programs. Sukant is a participant in various industry and thought leadership forums as a keynote speaker and contributor on innovation, transformation, and leadership themes.